SICP 04 - Data Abstraction, sequences

Read Section 2.1

Encompasses Lecture 9, 10, 11

By abstracting away parts of a program, it lets you have the think about parts individually as components, only keeping so much of it in your head a time.

Lisp Pairs:

> (define x (cons 1 2))
> (car x)
> (cdr x)

The book defines selectors and constructors, which are ways to either manipulate or create abstract data.

Pairs can represent sequences, by using multiple pairs, and letting the car of a pair be the value, and the cdr of a pair be the next element in the list. Sort of like a linked list.

(cons 3 (cons 4 ( cons 5 '())))

The NULL at the end of a list is represented by the empty list.

There are other helper methods (e.g. list or append)


> (map first (list '(1 2) '(3 4)))
(1 3)

At the heart of each programming language there's a lisp interpreter trying to get out

The term ‘Syntactic Sugar’ can be understood from those terms, in that it only changes how something looks, not the semantics.